Academic Internationalization

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Internationalization at UNIP regulates and formalizes international agreements for the development of scientific and technological activities. It is responsible for fostering the academic community (faculty, researchers, and students) to activate international agreements through collaboration in research, international publications, collaboration and participation in seminars and academic meetings; exchange of teaching materials, implementation of international academic programs, and specific projects for undergraduate, postgraduate, and master's and doctoral programs.

In the endeavor to train leaders prepared to act effectively in the global market, the University Paulista - UNIP strives to generate opportunities for studies and research abroad and attract foreign interest in Brazil. It maintains international cooperation with 189 institutions and international education agencies.

The Vice-Rectorate for Academic Internationalization works to ensure the quality of international actions promoted at the University Paulista - UNIP.

III Academic Internationalization Forum of Universidade Paulista - UNIP: Strategies for University Internationalization

May 8, 2024 - Virtual event.

A UNIP will host the III Academic Internationalization Forum: Strategies for University Internationalization, with the proposal to demonstrate that the internationalization of faculty and students brings benefits to the academic community. It also aims to inspire those seeking to internationalize their careers.

The event, organized by UNIP's Vice-Rectorate for Academic Internationalization, will be diverse and will feature the presence of students and professors from Graduate and Research Programs and Undergraduate Programs in the fields of Exact Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Communication. Each guest will describe the strategy developed for their internationalization in the academic and professional spheres.

The III Academic Internationalization Forum: Strategies for University Internationalization will be held virtually on May 8, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM, via the Teams platform.

It will be an excellent opportunity for the entire academic community of UNIP to expand their knowledge about internationalization and understand how this process can enrich their careers.

Register at the following link:

Check out the PDF schedule: here

5° versión del Summit Internacional de Liderazgo - Global Talent - Universidad de Talca (Chile)

Registration until June 30, 2024:

UNIGOU Scientific Training Program - Czech-Brazilian Institute for Academic Cooperation (INCBAC)

Registration until 06/16/2024

Short Term Virtual Exchange Scholarship Program Campus b - Positive Impact Internship

Studies on Academic Internationalization

The Academic Internationalization area at Universidade Paulista - UNIP will select undergraduate students (Present/EaD/Flex) in Administration, Biomedicine, Engineering, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Pedagogy, Psychology or International Relations, interested in carrying out studies on Academic Internationalization.
See the UNIP Notice.

Canada: Québec Latin America Journées!

Journées Québec Latin America is a multi-sector recruitment mission of the Government of Québec, in collaboration and partnership with Québec International and the Société de Développement Économique de Drummondville.
In all, there are 63 companies and more than 750 vacancies aimed at the civil construction, transport, machining/industrial, food processing, kitchen and restaurant, ICT, games and nursing sectors.
Applications will be open to candidates between the 23rd of August and the 27th of September, with interviews taking place virtually between the 25th of October and the 5th of November.

Subscription link:

Deadline for applications: August 23 to September 27

Canadá - Journées Québec Brasil

Jornées Québec Brazil is a recruitment mission organized by the Government of Quebec (Canada), with the participation of more than 20 companies offering various job opportunities. The mission has a special focus on the areas of nursing, social work, engineering, and IT. information and registration:

Santander Universities Scholarship

Check the programs available on the Santander Universities website:

Santander Scholarship Program We Overcome Together 2022

Universidade Paulista - UNIP will select 82 (eighty-two) students from undergraduate (on-site/EaD/Flex), lato-sensu (on-site/EaD) and stricto-sensu (Master's or Doctoral) graduate courses at UNIP to participate in the SANTANDER BOLSAS PROGRAM WE OVERCOME 2022 TOGETHER.
See UNIP Public Notice.

Contact the Academic Internationalization Sector to request the manual.

Anyone from a UNIP partner university who is interested in taking an exam proctored at Universidade Paulista - UNIP is welcomed to our proctoring test center.

About general procedures

Some proctors may charge a fee for their services. Students are responsible for all fees incurred while taking the exams. The proctor cannot be related to you by family or marriage. A proctor cannot be a co-worker, or a peer to the individual enrolled in the class.

UNIP procedures

At Universidade Paulista – UNIP, you don’t have to pay for a fee. The responsible person from your university can send an email to, with a copy to, asking for help from UNIP proctoring test center.
As your university approve the procedure, the proctoring institution and the proctor, a Proctor Agreement will be sent for the responsible person at your university.
If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to, with a copy to

The Study and Research Group on Academic Internationalization, with a multidisciplinary character, has four lines of research: Internationalization in Architecture; in Agricultural Sciences; in Human, Social and Applied Sciences; and in Engineering. The objective is to carry out actions and research on the processes of internationalization in the Brazilian and international academic context. To this end, we count on the collaboration of researchers with international experience.

More information in the link:

Studies on Academic Internationalization

The Study and Research Group on Academic Internationalization at Universidade Paulista - UNIP will select students from undergraduate courses (On-site/Online/Flex) who are interested in conducting research on Academic Internationalization.
Check the UNIP Call for Applications.

Office hour - Academic Internationalization

Telephone opening hours

+55 (11) 2166-1132
Monday to Thursday: from 8am to 5:50pm
Friday: from 8am to 5pm

Personal assistance

Monday to Friday (by appointment only).
Saturday: fortnightly starting on the first Saturday of each month (by appointment only).


Emails: Office – Academic Internationalization (Vanessa Louise A. Fábrega, Ma. - Chief Coordinator) with copy to (Rikelly Machado - with copy to)
Telephone: +55 (11) 2166-1132

Vice-Rector for Academic Internationalization

Laura Ancona Lee, PhD.