Strategy on Networks

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração

Entrepreneurial strategy fundamentals comprise the vision based on industry, resources, and institutions. Network relationships involve the analysis of stakeholders and the environment, strategic alliances, and the agency’s theory. Franchise networks comprise the theoretical perspectives in franchise networks, internationalization, and entrepreneurship. Model of competition fields and weapons applied to the business network (CAC-Networks) comprises grounding theories; central constructions; structure, quantitative variables, and the thesis and hypotheses; validation of CAC and CAC-Networks applications. Competitive strategy formulation comprises: WA-CAC, software ancillary to competitive strategy formulation; business understanding; opportunity identification and evaluation, threats and risks; decision formulation of business competitive strategy; operational strategy definition; strategy implementation and control. 4.0 Industry comprises its characteristics, concepts, principles and components.
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